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2019 YRBS Data and Reports

The 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) was completed by 1,388 students in 24 public high schools in San Diego Unified School District during the spring of 2019. The school response rate was 100%, the student response rate was 86.5%, and the overall response rate was 86.5%. The results are representative of all district students in grades 9-12.

The weighted demographic characteristics of the sample are as follows:

Female 48.5% 9th grade 27.4% Asian/ Filipino 17.1%
Male 51.5% 10th grade 26.2% Black* 5.3%
11th grade 23.4% Hispanic/ Latino 45.7%
12th grade 22.5% White* 23.5%
Other 0.4% All other races 1.7%
Multiple races 6.7%

Students completed a self-administered, anonymous, 99-item questionnaire. Survey procedures were designed to protect the privacy of students by allowing for anonymous and voluntary participation. Local parental permission procedures were followed before survey administration.

The YRBS is one component of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in collaboration with representatives from state and local departments of education and health, other federal agencies, and national education and health organizations. The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System was designed to focus the nation on behaviors among youth related to the leading causes of mortality and morbidity among both youth and adults and to assess how these risk behaviors change over time. The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System measures behaviors that fall into six categories:

  1. Behaviors that result in unintentional injuries and violence;
  2. Tobacco use;
  3. Alcohol and other drug use;
  4. Sexual behaviors that can result in HIV/STI infection and unintended pregnancy;
  5. Dietary behaviors; and
  6. Physical activity.

The YRBS also measures asthma and self-reported height and weight to allow calculation of body mass index for assessment of overweight and obesity. More information about the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System can be obtained from http://www.cdc.gov/yrbss.

Questionnaire (English | Spanish | Arabic | Somali | Tagalog | Vietnamese)

Parent Notification Letter (English | Spanish | Arabic | Somali | Tagalog | Vietnamese)

Trend Summary of Selected Sexual Risk Behaviors: California Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2015-2019

2019 SDUSD High School YRBS One-Pager

Demographic Table

Summary Tables

Summary Graphs

Detail Tables

Detail Graphs

Academic Achievement Report

Trend Report: 10-Year

Trend Report: All Years

Sexual Identity and Gender Expression Reports

Youth Online: Local, State and National YRBS Data