Our Role in the District
The Assessment Services Department coordinates the administration and processing of all district, state, and federally-mandated assessments listed below; provides training and support for site test coordinators and principals; and maintains test security ensuring appropriate test administration and test preparation procedures are followed at all school sites.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP); English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC); and FITNESSGRAM Physical Fitness Test.
Honors End-of-Course Exams; and Math Readiness Assessment.
Information for Parents
What's New for Parents
What is Student Data? Use this link to visit a great visual explanation for parents about student data, what all is in student data and how it is collected and used.
Starting Smarter Parent Informational Flyer(PDF) – This flyer provides information about the Starting Smarter website.
Starting Smarter Parent Informational Flyer, Spanish version(PDF) – This flyer provides information about the Starting Smarter website.
Contact Us
San Diego Unified School District Assessment Services Department
4100 Normal Street, Annex 3
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: 619-725-7065
Fax: 619-725-7070