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LCAP Federal Addendum


The LCAP Federal Addendum supplements the LCAP to ensure that SDUSD has the opportunity to meet the provisions of the ESSA.  A template for the LCAP Federal Addendum must be completed and submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) to apply for ESSA funding. The LCAP Federal Addendum is reviewed annually with our LCAP as ESSA funding is considered in yearly strategic planning.

The LCAP Federal Addendum supplements our LCAP. In reviewing the LCAP Federal Addendum, staff will evaluate the LEA’s responses to the ESSA plan provisions. California’s ESSA State Plan significantly shifts the state’s approach to the utilization of federal resources in support of underserved student groups. This LCAP Federal Addendum provides LEAs with the opportunity to document their approach to maximizing the impact of federal investments in support of underserved students.

2021-2022 DOCUMENTS:

Coming soon

2020-21 Documents:

2020-21 LCAP Federal Addendum

2019-20 Documents:

2019-20 LCAP Federal Addendum

2019-20 LCAP Federal Addendum Approval

Additional Resources:

CDE LCAP Federal Addendum Website

Contact information:

Strategic Planning for Student Achievement Department
4100 Normal St., Rm. 3126
San Diego, CA 92103

Phone (619) 725-5605
Fax (619) 725-7055