Welcome To Fred Baker Elementary
A Great Place To Learn!
Fred Baker Elementary is located in Mountain View in southeast San Diego. Our school is on a year-round schedule. Most of our students represent Hispanic, African American, and South-Asian families living in the immediate neighborhood.
Our mission is to prepare students academically and socially to compete and contribute in a global society as highly productive citizens with strong core values. To this end, Baker provides a rigorous, challenging, and nurturing instructional program that aims to raise student achievement. Baker is one of the highest-achieving schools in the Lincoln Cluster. Both the latest state testing results and our Academic Performance Index (API) score clearly indicate Baker students are making great academic progress. We raised our API score from 743 to 820, giving Baker one of highest growth rates in the district.
All our students participate in both the free breakfast and lunch programs. Baker has a part-time guidance assistant and a part-time community service officer, who address the physical, emotional, and social needs of our families. Our school offers a free on-site medical and dental clinic, coordinated by the University of California Medical School, to eligible families. Many of our families participate in an after school program. Our 4th and 5th grade students participate in a music band. The can play a variety of different band instruments
We are proud of our school's steady progress. We believe the dedication of our skilled and motivated staff members makes the difference in improving our students' performance . . . and underscores our mott Baker, "Where history is made!"